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Integrate with Your Tech Stack to Streamline & Save Time During Onboarding

Learn how even the simplest automations can save you time during onboarding.

Starting the onboarding process for your new hires early is important. Not only does this jump-start your new employees’ exposure to your company, but it also saves you time. 

Starting a new job is often full of paperwork, training videos, and reading materials to get acquainted with the company. When the onboarding process is choppy – a lot of starting and stopping, re-entering the same information, and waiting to get the right equipment and access – it’s not a great experience for the employee. 

Remove those barriers that lead to a sub-par experience by streamlining your onboarding process. Whether your onboarding checklist is long or short, there are always ways you can automate to save time for both yourself and your new hires. We know you didn’t get into HR to do paperwork and data entry – let us handle that, so you can focus on creating the best experiences for your new hires.

ATS Integrations for Seamless Data Transfer

Before onboarding can start, you have to recruit new employees, assess their fit with your company, and hire them. You gather a lot of information like resumes and contact information during the recruiting and hiring process. It’s tedious to have to take the data collected in your applicant tracking system and re-enter it all into your HRIS once the decision has been made. 

GoCo integrates with multiple applicant tracking systems to help you eliminate this pain point. If you’re using JazzHR, Greenhouse, Lever, or Workable, you can seamlessly push candidates over to GoCo. With all of these integrations, once a candidate is moved to ‘hired’ in the ATS, their information will automatically sync over to GoCo and create a profile for the new hire. At this point, you can go into GoCo to select the onboarding process you want them to experience. 

Automated Background Check Submission

Background checks go hand in hand with hiring and onboarding. Some applicant tracking systems can start the background check process for you. If they don’t, or you prefer to keep all your information centralized in your HRIS, GoCo integrates with both Checkr and Verified First

With these integrations, you can automatically kick off your background check process from GoCo during onboarding, or even before. 

The Verified First integration works like a browser extension. When you navigate to your new hires profile, you will see a button to “Screen with Verified First.” It will auto-fill the new hires’ data if it’s been entered in GoCo and send an invite to the employee to complete their background questionnaire. 

With the Checkr Integration, you get a background check workflow in GoCo that you can add to the beginning of your onboarding workflow. When the workflow kicks off, your new hire will receive an invite to complete their portion of the process. Plus, you can track the progress in GoCo. 

Automate with Provisioning Integrations

Having access to the right software systems is crucial in those first weeks at a new job. It’s impossible to get acclimated to a company’s tech stack without the right access. 

Provisioning new accounts is a less glamorous part of onboarding a new hire. It’s repetitive but important. 

Integrations can make it easier. Connect to apps in your tech stack so that every time you add a new employee to GoCo, a new account is created for them in each of the systems they need to access.

Performance Management with 15Five

If you use 15Five, you can connect GoCo so no new hires slip through the cracks. Whether you use 15Five to track performance during onboarding, or reserve it only for annual or semi-annual reviews, you can eliminate delays by automating the provisioning of new accounts.  

Learning & Training

Access to your learning management system (LMS) is vital during onboarding. Connect GoCo to 360Learning or Lessonly so no time is lost waiting around for access. Accounts will be created automatically for your new hires as soon as they’re added to GoCo so they can access learning and training materials before, during, and after onboarding. 

Watch an overview of these new LMS integrations from the What’s New in GoCo Winter 2023 Webinar:

Communication Apps

A huge part of acclimating to a new job is getting familiar with the preferred systems for communication. Using integrations, you can automate the creation of new Zoom accounts or company Gmail accounts so your teams can communicate right away.

Time & Pay

Employees need access to time systems and accounting software to track their hours worked, submit expenses, and ensure they’re paid accurately and on time. If you use QuickBooks Online, Tsheets (QuickBook Time), or Expensify, you can integrate so new hire accounts can be provisioned automatically.

GoCo’s marketplace has over 75 app integrations with pre-built recipes you can start using today! Take a look at the full list here. If you need help automating your processes, reach out to your CSM. 

If you’re interested in GoCo, take a tour to see it in action today. 

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