Blog Articles

Reflecting on the Winter Storms in Texas

A message from GoCo's CEO on how the storm impacted our team, and how you can help.

Nir Leibovich, CEO @ GoCo

by Nir Leibovich, CEO @ GoCo - February 24th, 2021

Dear Clients and Friends of GoCo,

I wanted to take a moment to thank you all (or “y’all” in local terms) for your support for GoCo and our fellow Texans through the winter storms last week.

The vast majority of our team members, including me, spent most of last week without access to power, water, or internet connectivity. Even today, with temps in Houston in the 70s, many of our employees are dealing with water damage from burst pipes, and some are displaced from their homes indefinitely.

I am so proud, but not surprised, to see how in the face of chaos and adversity, our employees persevered, and how their fellow team members have stepped up to support one another.

I’m also proud to report that at no time was the GoCo service impacted by the power outages in Texas. For those who experienced longer-than-usual wait times to speak with members of our team, we apologize for the inconvenience, and appreciate your understanding.

If you’re interested in supporting the efforts to provide food and water to Texans, one of our clients, Ivory Ella, is donating a percentage of their apparel sales to the cause, or you can donate directly to the Texas Alliance of Child and Family Services.

Thank you again for your support, we appreciate y’all!

Nir Leibovich

Nir Leibovich

Founder and CEO

P.S. If your business is giving back to the community and wants to raise awareness, send an email to ma[email protected] and we’ll give you a shout-out on our social media.